
Introduction ESG-Assurance – Green by Blue

As of February 1. 2023, we are offering our new ESG Assurance service in collaboration with the Green by Blue platform. Green by Blue is a platform where ESG specialists and audit firms work together to assist organizations in the ESG laws and regulations regarding accountability.

Coney Minds is one of the members of this platform. Through collaboration, interconnection and knowledge sharing, we support our clients in a transition to meeting new legal ESG accountability requirements in 2025. At this time this will primarily affect ‘larger’ organizations, but the demand for ESG accountability will also impact SME organizations that are part of ‘the chain’.

As of 2025, large organizations will report on ESG in their management report. As part of the annual financial audit, audit firms are required to issue ‘limited assurance’ on this topic; this is a new legal obligation for large organizations regarding sustainability reporting.

What does Coney Minds offer in collaboration with Green by Blue

The Green by Blue platform helps to specify, quantify and achieve the sustainability goals of entrepreneurs and organizations. Coney Minds offers its clients a partnership with the Green by Blue platform to successfully complete the ESG transition.

Coney Minds specializes in the assurance and data analytics topics, while the Green by Blue platform specializes in the broader ESG topic. By working together, we offer our clients a unique opportunity to achieve their ESG accountability goals in 2025.

Our ESG Assurance service consists of four steps:

    1. Gaining insight
    2. Getting a grip on ESG issues
    3. Reporting results
    4. Obtaining (limited) assurance on ESG reporting

Our clients are supported at all times in the first three steps by the Green by Blue platform. A non-audit team member of Coney Minds can be part of a Green by Blue service team. The Coney Minds audit team is then responsible for the final step.


Gaining insight

To seize opportunities in the field of sustainability, but also to prepare for future developments, it is important to gain insight. The Green by Blue platform helps you understand what legal obligations (such as CSRD or EU-Taxonomy) mean for you, what trends and opportunities there are in your sector and how other entrepreneurs can inspire you.

The Green by Blue platform helps you involve your stakeholders, looks at what you are already doing in the field of sustainability and supports you in determining your sustainability ambitions. This results in concrete objectives that suit you and results that you can make measurable. Practical and to the point. Through guidance and training, always adapted to your needs.


Grip on ESG issue

As a result of gaining insight on the issues, you have a clear view of the various topics and goals. Now you want to focus on measuring the results you achieve on these goals. The Green by Blue platform helps you formulate the associated actions, for instance in the field of CO2 reduction. Green by Blue does this by developing and implementing clear KPIs that are in line with what you already do, but also comply with the new reporting rules (de European Sustainability Reporting Standards).

Connections are made as much as possible to existing (data) systems, where necessary the process of measuring will be supported by new tooling.


Reporting Results

Now that you have a grip on your sustainability performance, you can demonstrate your contribution on this topic to your stakeholders . Reporting on this performance, whether or not in conjunction with your financial performance, will showcase your transparency.

The Green by Blue platform will also help you comply with the emerging legislation on CSRD, which obligates many entrepreneurs to report on sustainability. The platform does this by comparing your report against the new reporting rules or by helping you write your own story. The platform supports you with templates and working methods or guides you step by step.


ESG -Assurance

The Coney Minds audit team is trained by Green by Blue people and prepares them in a timely manner for the requirements of the CSRD.

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